“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional”

— John C. Maxwell

Welcome to your journey to personal success!

I am your catalyst for success and change. With over 20 years of experience in professional sports, I have found the keys to unlocking potential and look forward to accompanying you on your new path. As a communications expert and HR leader, I know what can help people to feel more confident in their environment and with themselves and to perform at their best without burning out.

Strength through personality

My coaching services cover a wide range of areas, from classic coaching for professional or private changes to strengthening your personality, also known as personal development. Trust yourself, learn to make sustainable decisions, and find the courage to change.

Health for vitality and performance

Health coaching, i.e. how sport and exercise can not only make you physically fitter but also mentally stronger and better able to achieve goals, is an important pillar of my work.

Health prevention, in the context of occupational health management, is an increasingly significant element of good (self-)leadership. To this end, I offer stress management workshops and coaching, as well as counseling services for a healthy working environment.

Team workshops are an essential part of my work, as I believe that joint efforts lead to the best results — as sport shows us every day. I also offer mental coaching and job coaching for professional reintegration.

Have the courage to change

Let's find ways together to achieve your goals and realize your full potential.

Contact me for a personal consultation

My Services

Ready For Change?

Let's talk about how I can BEST support you on your journey.

“The Way To Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing.”

— Walt Disney

Ready to take Action?

Then let's go on your journey together.

Schedule an appointment with me today.